Asthma Management.
If you have symptoms of asthma more than three times a week, your asthma is not well controlled. Asthma affects people in different ways; some people have symptoms frequently, some only every few weeks and others have their asthma well controlled meaning they rarely experience symptoms. If you are having symptoms more than three times a week, your asthmas is not well-controlled. The good news is, most people with asthma can lead an active lifestyle and participate in every day activities if they manage their condition well. Here are a few tips to help you manage your asthma.
Have and follow an asthma management plan. It is proven that if you have a management plan you will have better control over your condition. We can help you to create one, talk to us today about yours.
Take your medication as it has been prescribed. Your asthma medication has been prescribed for your particular situation, so it is important to take it as you have been directed.
Keep active. You might be worried that physical activity might bring on an asthma attack, but is an important part of keeping well and people who are active find that they have less symptoms. If your asthma is controlled, activity will be easier and it improves lung capacity and blood flow. This should be part of your asthma management plan – if you are becoming wheezy when you exercise, your asthma isn’t as controlled as it could be. Follow the advice you have been given about physical activity, which may be to use your reliever inhaler before activity. Things like walking, swimming, yoga and martial arts are great options for asthmatics.
Be smokefree. Smoking and vaping are major asthma triggers. Avoiding this will go a long way in keeping your asthma controlled. Smoking and vaping can increase symptoms and the chances of permanently damaging your airways. It also makes day-to-day management harder and can increase changes of having attacks.
About Breathing Conditions / Asthma management