Products to Assist with Lung Conditions
CanBreathe is NOT an emergency or urgent service
If you require a nebuliser urgently please contact your General Practice or an After Hours Health Service.

A nebuliser converts liquid medication into a fine mist, which is then breathed in through a mask or mouthpiece. This helps the medication to more easily reach your lungs. Nebulisers are used to help treat conditions that affect the airways and lungs such as bronchiectasis, COPD and cystic fibrosis.
Some people with more severe chronic respiratory conditions may be prescribed nebulised medication in the short-term following an exacerbation. They may also require a nebuliser at home from time to time for symptoms that are more difficult to control as part of their individual management plan.
Before hiring or purchasing a nebuliser, discuss with your doctor first to ensure a nebuliser would be of benefit. CanBreathe does not sell or hire nebulisers without your doctor's approval. To access a nebuliser from CanBreathe you will need a referral letter from your doctor stating that he or she feels that you require this device.
If the use of a nebuliser is recommended for a short period of time, then you may want to consider hiring a nebuliser. If the use of a nebuliser is recommended long-term, on an ongoing basis, then you may want to buy a nebuliser.
Hiring a Nebuliser
We have a range of nebulisers available for hire. You will be requested to sign a hire agreement. You will also need to purchase a 'giving set'. A giving set is the tubing, mask and nebuliser bowl used for administering inhalants through the nebuliser. Nebuliser hire is $5 per week for CanBreathe members and $10 per week for non-members. A standard giving set costs approximately $10.00 for members and $12.00 for non-members.
Purchasing a Nebuliser, filters or Consumables
We also have a range of nebulisers, filters and giving sets available for purchase. Our Nurse Educators can assist to determine which model would best suit your individual requirements. Costs vary between nebuliser models and their giving sets and filters should be replaced every six to 12 months, depending on how often the machine is being used. CanBreathe does not service nebulisers.
Whether you are hiring or purchasing a nebuliser, you will need to make an appointment with us.
During this appointment you will receive a demonstration of how to use the nebuliser and the giving set. You will also be provided with written resources.
Please note that payments need to be made by cash, bank deposit or cheque as we do not have eft-pos or card facilities.
This device helps to loosen bronchial mucous and clear the airways in conjunction with your daily mucous clearance exercises. Talk to your doctor or physiotherapist to see if this device is appropriate for your respiratory condition and management.